Educational resources

“Environmental stories”

We try to inform the local population about biodiversity conservation through stories about the environment. The comic book “Carlos y la selva tropical” Carlos and the Tropical Forest is an effective tool to increase of the knowledge about the consequences of deforestation erosion, lack of drinking water, etc. and the importance of forest protection. The comic is popular with both children and adults, as it explains on a very simple way how people depend on the forest around their villages. “Etsa ikaman augmatui” is the translation of the comic in the native Awajun language.
Because of its success, it was followed by a second book, “Carlos y los monos” Carlos and the monkeys. In this comic, mainly written for children but also appreciated by adults, children learn through Carlos and his uncle Joaquin about the different species of monkeys that live in Peru, about their importance for the forest and threats that attack them.

To distribute the comic book to more people and consequently spread the message of nature conservation, it is for free available for schools, conservation organisations and local governments.

“Vacation classes”

The vacation classes were born with the idea to educate children about nature conservation during the annual school holidays. The activities, meant to increase respect for their environment, are organized especially for the children that have not followed the education programme that Proyecto Mono Tocón executes in different schools.

“Environmental Festival”

Environmental festivals are being organised to inform the local adult population about the educational activities of Proyecto Mono Tocón in the schools of their village. At the end of the annual education programme, the children show their parents and other adults what they have learned during the year about nature conservation and sustainable ways of living.

In villages where we do not executed the scholar education programme, the festival is used by our educational team to inform people about nature conservation and environment problems.

During the festivals Proyecto Mono Tocón receives much help from the network of volunteers.

“Educational materials”

The environmental educational materials are the basic tool to sensitize the local population for the conservation of biodiversity. Through them, the basis of the teaching-learning process is built, since they foster the construction of knowledge and promote the students significant and constructive learning.

Proyecto Mono Tocón gives free use of these educational materials to conservation organizations, schools and local governments that want to use them in their own programs.

Formal education

In 2010 Proyecto Mono Tocón PMT initiated, in cooperation with the regional government, an environmental education programme in the four schools of the villages Calzada and Yantaló. This pilot project intended to increase the understanding of the environmental value of the nearby Morro de Calzada reserve, and to protect the population of San Martin titi monkeys living in this emblematic area. 

The first results of this programme were excellent. We were able to reach more than 800 students and their teachers and founded the Nature Club JOESUCNA Young Students United for the Conservation of Nature.